
System of Energetic Housing

Team: Sol Sanchez Cimarelli, Agustin Ros

Location: Yichang, China

Year: 2020

Hydroelectri-City is building, and infrastructure. It is a housing building that generates its own hydroelectric energy. The project is located in Yangtze River, Yichang, China.

The building is generated from the integration of three models: the Three Gorges Dam as an Infrastructure model, Yangtze River border mountains as a Territorial model and Gifu Kitagata Housing as a Building model. The integration intensifies the potential qualities of each model producing a building which is infrastructure, territory and housing at the same time.

By the variation of the values of its architectural elements, Hydroelectri-City has the capacity to expand its formal and systems organizations, producing a wide range of different projects. Making it able to adapt in different territories and working as a model to the future dams constructions in which infrastructure and architecture are built together, serving as a new urban point, intensifying the productive activities resulting from the dam commercial flow and as a key point in the touristic flow.

Hydroelectri-City resolves two main problems: the overpopulation that leads to high levels of density in the cities, and the use of the areas adjacent to the hydroelectric dams.

The world density growth every year because of the centralization of the population in the cities. In spite of its big extension territory, China is one of the countries with more density in the world.

Besides, Hydroelectric is the renewable energy source which more energy produces in the world and in China. However, It has a huge negative field impact because of the dam´s scale and their complexity in the construction causing big floods that affect tons of houses in their proximity. Also, these structures have a huge architectural potential that is not in use.

In this sense, the building operates as an integration of the lost houses and the dam maximizing the architectural qualities of the infrastructure and the importance of the site as a key point in the commercial and touristic flow. This integration leads to a unique building that produce and use its own energy, from the one needed in the modules housing, to car power stations for vehicles.

Each housing block has their access by a series of lifts with variable heights, each one connected with multiples walkways and stairs generating multiples points of connection within the different units of each block.

The housing units are generics modules which insert inside an uniform structural grid. Each module is conformed by four sub modules which allow the addition of new functionalities within one program, or the addition of different programs modules, so there are multiple combinations of modules of the same or different program, achieving the definition of different life-styles throughout the building. The module general structure and the module unit structure achieves the standardization of the product, decreasing the cost and time in the construction.

Feel free to ask for more information about the project to sscar.architecture@gmail.com



