
We are not yet the Architecture Office that we are going to be

SSCAR creates a workspace to do what we like and achieve quality results, a space where collaboration and transparency are intrinsic to everyday life. Our work scheme is based on a horizontal structure and a participatory culture, where the team and networks are the most important.

In SSCAR we have two rules. The first, we only work on projects with the potential to generate an irruptive change in society. This leads to rule number two, as rule one is very restrictive, there can be no other rules.

Organizational Culture are the values and actions of every day that each member of the organization pursues in pursuit of the company's mission.

Our way of working is based on 3 pillars: Project, Methodologies and Teams

Project | Process > Product

Everything is a project, from the research, the process, the organization of the material, to the project itself. This madness is the value proposition that sets us apart from the competition.

When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there
— Bruce Mau, Incomplete Manifesto
048_ to choose only when all the alternatives that emerge from refusing to choose have been unfolded
— Singular 00 Proposition - EAEU, UTDT, 2017


Technical excellence, reflected through the methodology and results of the projects we develop.

Our culture is strongly linked to agile and collaborative methodologies. We work iteratively and incrementally to deliver quality, valuable architecture. This procedural methodology allows continuous feedback and constant feedback.

Teams | Culture builds teams, teams build companies.

We are not looking for good ideas, we are looking for good problems to solve. We believe that there are thousands of ideas, and varied, however they are easy to think of, the important and difficult thing is to execute them.

Good Team + Bad Idea > Bad Team + Good Idea

Our productivity and motivation increases when we do what we love and what we are good at. We believe that each of the members of SSCAR should work doing what they love and what they are good at, this combination of factors will make each member develop their abilities to the maximum and exploit their full potential.

Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view, and allow yourself the fun of failure every day
— Bruce Mau, Incomplete Manifesto

What you see < Our structure