
Lodges of adaptative lifestyles

Team: Sol Sanchez Cimarelli, Agustin Ros

Year: 2020

The accelerated mobility of current ways of living calls into question the traditional idea of ​​a permanent and stable home. The new nomadic condition requires rethinking the idea of ​​housing as a space with the ability to transform itself and accommodate different ways of life.

Micronomadism presents the ability to expand, separate, move, flexible in their organizations, quickly assembled, easy to transport and adaptable to different territories, climates and topography, defining a new type of micro home that arises in response to this question.

The project is organized in a system of porticoes with an enclosure of modular wooden panels that are embedded on the main structure.

The inclination generates a space for transversal circulation between modules or furniture space so the occupation of the programmatic surface is not affected.

The differentiated inclination to one side and the other generate two types of relationships between modules. Establishing a close relationship between the living room and the kitchen and a more private one between the kitchen and the bedroom

Form generation: The deformation of the lateral sides of a square generic section module generates a new space on the oblique faces without modifying the surface. The variation of inclination of the faces, up or down, generates a differentiated oblique relationship between modules.

Module organization: The structure allows programmatic systems to be fragmented and stacked out of phase. Starting from a linear organization to an organization where the four programs are fragmented. The organization of three modules is the most interesting when a new programmatic terrace surface emerges

Surface variation: The structure system allows the quantitative variation of modules for each program.

Feel free to ask for more information about the project to sscar.architecture@gmail.com

