
Anti Tower of Fragmented Work Modalities


Project leaders: Sol Sanchez Cimarelli, Agustin Ros

Architectural Assistant: Celina Arias Chirinos, Marco Pierdominici, Guido Sanchez Cimarelli

Images: SILUETA Group

Location: New York, USA

Year: 2021

Continuesment is an Anti Tower of Fragmented Work Modalities. It reformulates the conventional structural and programmatic organization of towers and proposes a hyperfragmentation of architectural elements and programs, defining a new type of architecture. This spatial transformation generates a variety of conditions and work programs. Complexing and diversifying work spaces, retail and restaurants.


The spatial differentiation of the project generated by the different module sizes, generates a gradient of architectural spaces where varied programs and different ways of life are developed on each of the levels of the building. In addition to this differentiation of modules, the building is organized into three layers of differentiated heights.

This wealth of spaces meets an activity-based work environment that suggests that users could work anywhere in the office that suits their current activity. Spatial fluidity and human mobility are promoted.

Fluid circulation

Since the slabs are connected almost seamlessly, people can reach other floors via stairs. This can reduce the number of elevators required in skyscrapers.

Its modular condition makes it very easy to transport and quickly to build. The organization in layers, allows the building to be build in stages and to start inhabiting it from the beginning of its construction. From top to bottom and from center to perimeter a gradient of programmatic situations appear. These programs range from common and massive spaces to individual and private.

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